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Artist: Maurice Utrillo (French 1883-1955)

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Maurice Utrillo, Butte Pinson at Montmagny Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting
Butte Pinson at Montmagny
Maurice Utrillo, Church of Saint Gervais. Paris Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting
Church of Saint Gervais. Paris
Maurice Utrillo, Rue Lepic Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting
Rue Lepic
Maurice Utrillo, Street at Montmartre Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting
Street at Montmartre
Maurice Utrillo, Church at Fere-en-Tardenois Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting
Church at Fere-en-Tardenois
Maurice Utrillo, Rue St Rustique at Montmartre Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting
Rue St Rustique at Montmartre
Maurice Utrillo, View of Anse Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting
View of Anse
Maurice Utrillo, A Restaurant at Chaville Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting
A Restaurant at Chaville
Maurice Utrillo, Place du Tertre at Montmartre Fine Art Reproduction Oil Painting
Place du Tertre at Montmartre
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Utrillo, Maurice

Utrillo, Maurice

Maurice Utrillo was a French painter, noted especially for his oil paintings of the houses and streets of the Montmartre district of Paris.

Utrillo was the illegitimate son of the model and artist Suzanne Valadon (1865-1938). His father was not known, and he was given a name by a Spanish art critic, Miguel Utrillo. The young Utrillo had no instruction as an artist apart from that given by his mother, who herself was untutored. When, as an adolescent, he became an alcoholic, his mother encouraged him to take up oil painting as therapy. Despite his frequent relapses into alcoholism, painting became Utrillo's obsession, and he produced thousands of oils, as well as a few drawings and lithographs. In 1924, to keep her son permanently away from the bars of Montmartre, Valadon moved with him to a chateau near Lyon.